Ice Cream Sandwich melts in summer heat

I just recently updated Samsung Galaxy S II with official release of Ice Cream Sandwich. Unfortunately, I am not completely satisfied with it. Main reason is that it sucks the battery like a thirsty man during summer heat. Ooops, and the bottle is empty before you even understand what happened. Previously, Galaxy S II needed … Continue reading

Do Apple users have relationship with their devices?

I just read an article where former Apple employee Bob Borchers tells about processes involved in developing the iPhone. Nothing new in itself except one line raised my attention. It described how company focused on fundamentals and especially “making people focus on the relationship they have with their devices”. Okay, so iPhone users have a … Continue reading

Smartphones and extreme cold – Samsung Galaxy S II wins!

Depending on where you live, you may be interested on how well your phone functions in extreme temperatures – especially in extreme cold. Last winter there were some news and discussions on cases in Norway where iPhones broke or stopped functions when temperature dropped below zero (0°C). Just recently a Finnish computer magazine MikroPC ( … Continue reading

New competitor on the block, Zypr vs Siri

Pioneer Announces Availability of Zypr, a voice command application like Siri

Evolution of user interface and how our life depends on this

Just when we thought that touchscreen is a pinnacle of user interface technology, there are already new technologies emerging and taking its place as a preferred way to interact with computers and other electronic equipment. Actually, we can trace back this to video game consoles like Nintendo Wii. It was a first widely spread device … Continue reading

Sudden drop of IQ among CEOs

I do not know if those satellites have plummeted from skies and bonked couple of CEOs, but during last days we have heard some really stupid comments. First Steve Ballmer cried out that Android is for computer scientist only. Either he was blathering something totally idiotic or there was a sudden and very dramatic increase … Continue reading

Samsung Galaxy Series: Slim Stick Type Bluetooth Headset

I got this fancy gadget couple of days ago, and I am quite pleased with it. It goes quite well with Samsung Galaxy Tab. So what is it. Is it a handsfree? Not exactly. Is is a phone? No, it is a Bluetooth headset that looks like a pen. It has a clip just like … Continue reading

Sony LiveView – now it actually works!

I got Sony LiveView almost an year ago, but discontinued using after couple of weeks. There were just too many problems with it, then. Firmware was so buggy, that it kept dropping Bluetooth connection all the time. Also, there were not that many applications available. During spring 2011 there was a firmware update available, which … Continue reading

RIP – Rest in pieces

No, I am not going join the millions and writing an obituary of You-know-who (and I am not referring to Lord Voldemort). I just had to report that my trusty notifier gadget, Sony Ericsson MBW-150 retired today. Its OLED display seems to have reached end of service date. It is getting so dim, that it … Continue reading

Ownership of bluetooth-watchmaker acquired in Finland

Fossil has sold their Meta Watch brand to Finnish entrepreneurs. Meta Watches use bluetooth connection to communicate with bluetooth enabled smartphone or computer. I have used Sony Ericsson MBW-150 for years and also programmed applications for it. Watches of this kind are quite handy gadgets, since you can see you emails and other communication details. … Continue reading

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