10 PRINT CHR – One line of code generates one book

Can you write a book which has its basis on just one line of BASIC code? It seems you can, and it can also be very entertaining. Such book is 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10. Yes, that is the actual name of the book. Book is available on http://10print.org under Creative Commons, and printed … Continue reading

Eclipse Xtend, a new way to code Java

In 10 years Eclipse has proven to be a powerful and versatile application development environment. Now even more so, since they announced a new programming language Xtend http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/xtend/ What is extend? Actually it is not a programming language per se, but a quicker way to code Java. It removes most of the tedious noise and … Continue reading

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