Data flow increases every day

During Web 2.0 Summit it was revealed that during 2010 there was more data transmitted over Internet than all previous years combined. And this increase will probably just grow exponentially, unless this sudden increase was due to the rise of smartphones and will settle after couple of years. But certainly data transmit will just grow … Continue reading

France shuts down internet

Well, not really, but almost. But at least I got your attention 😀 In 1982 PPT (Post, Telephone and Telecommunications) launched Minitel, which is kind of an early ancestor of Internet. It is actually a Videotex online service accessed through telephone lines. You could buy train tickets and make other online purchases, chat with people, … Continue reading

Bing and Facebook

I read from news that Microsoft’s Bing search engine will integrate with Facebook in such way, that those links will be ranked higher that are recommended by your Facebook pals. At first, it sounds quite ok. If my friends are interested in certain pages or web sites, then probably I am, too. But then I … Continue reading

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