Future of Health Monitoring and Diagnosis

To be a bit of a provocateur, I start by saying that current medical science does not differ that much of medieval. This is based on my experiences while working within medical research. I am not a MD, but data scientist, bioinformatician, mathematician and computer scientist. From my point of view, medical science seems mostly … Continue reading

Camel Audio offers 2 for 1

Camel Audio (http://www.camelaudio.com) has a nice sale going. All Alchemy synth Sound Libraries are on sale – buy one and get one free. So, if you are missing some libraries, this is a good opportunity to save some bucks. I myself have been very pleased with Alchemy. It has lots of interesting sounds and tweaking … Continue reading

Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate 9

Although there were all kinds of rumours around, it seems my prediction was correct. Well, it was actually a no-brainer. When Native Instruments put their Komplete 8 collections on sale, it was quite obvious that a new edition is coming. That new edition, Komplete 9 was launched today for pre-order. I myself consider the basic … Continue reading

10 PRINT CHR – One line of code generates one book

Can you write a book which has its basis on just one line of BASIC code? It seems you can, and it can also be very entertaining. Such book is 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10. Yes, that is the actual name of the book. Book is available on http://10print.org under Creative Commons, and printed … Continue reading

MacBook Pro with Retina Display – quite hard to upgrade but does it really matter?

About a week ago Apple launched new MacBook Pro models (among other things). Yes, these new Retina Display models are sleek and gorgeous, and they should by fast and furious too, considering that they are all SSD. Other improvements were addition of USB3 and HDMI connector. USB3 has been a long awaited feature, and I … Continue reading

Is Ubuntu 12.04 ready or not?

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin was released couple of weeks ago. As usual, I never jump and upgrade my computers immediatelly, but wait for awhile if there is somekind of general problem. Having so much experience with Linux upgrades, I know that the probability of annoying surprises rises astronomically while upgrading from version to another. And … Continue reading

Happy Old Filesharing Days Are Here Again!

There has been lots of fuss over P2P networks and file sharing in general. In some circles it seems to over escalate to the point where even using P2P networks or downloading torrents labels you as some kind of criminal. This of course is ridiculous, since many totally legal electronic files are distributed with P2P … Continue reading

Good Old Games, Good Old Times

Me, myself and I happen to be one of those “old-timers” who think that all the best computer games were made before year 2000 – and usually on machines that kids do not even recognize. Same applies also on roleplaying games, but that’s another story. Current consumer market seems to be such that a shelf … Continue reading

Do Apple users have relationship with their devices?

I just read an article where former Apple employee Bob Borchers tells about processes involved in developing the iPhone. Nothing new in itself except one line raised my attention. It described how company focused on fundamentals and especially “making people focus on the relationship they have with their devices”. Okay, so iPhone users have a … Continue reading

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