Tablet Wars – Return of Android

I have found tablets to be very useful electronic information pads. I use them every day. Only annoying thing in them is their price. Considering that basic notebooks easily outperform tablets, it is quite ridiculous that high-end tablets cost more than a notebook. OK, they are different kind of machines, but I think about 300-400 euros would be a suitable price for them.

While we were in Tablet Wars – A New Hope episode, we saw that Android tablets will blow Apple Empire’s iDeathpad to pieces. Those few Android tablets available had more features with less price, but the price was still quite high. Of course, it was not end of the whole story, since it was just the first version of iPad. Saga continued in second episode, Apple Strikes Back, where evil Empire launched their dirty marketing campaign. Now we are in third episode, where evil Empire has just finished their expensive iDeathpad2, but Android rebels are preparing to launch a full scale reduced price attack and wipe the floor with Darth Steve.

There are signs that the average price of Android tables will settle somewhere in the margin of 300-500 euros. And for that price, you’ll get dual core processors, good graphical performance, 3G and enough storage capacity to hold more videos and music you can enjoy in one week. Already there is available ACER Iconia and Motorola Xoom with reduce price. There is Vizio VTab coming out, and its price is estimated to be even lower. I guess that before the Christmas frenzy we will see what happens to iDeathstar2.

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