Samsung Galaxy S I9000, Android 2.3.3 and USB tethering on Ubuntu

I have already written about this on Tethering page for Galaxy, but I guess I have to repeat it here. If you upgrade Samsung Galaxy S I9000 with Android 2.3.3, then be warned that USB tethering does not work with Ubuntu. You will get bad CDC descriptors errors, and usb0 network connection is not activated. … Continue reading

Wohoo! Overtime milestone reached

I am just “celebrating” my 400th hour of overtime. Yes, during this year I have accumulated 400 (and growing) hours of overtime. December last year was kind of a turning point. We made a huge transition to new information and process management system that I designed and developed. As the system architect I am only … Continue reading

Samsung Tab 2.3.3 upgrade

When you upgrade to 2.3.3 you will automatically get Pulse, which is sort of a news reader. Pulse crams all your news sources into a mosaic of pictures and headlines. Looks nice on a tablet sized screen. Its also integrated with Twitter and Facebook, so you can see what your friends are interested and can … Continue reading

Samsung Kies gets better

It has been a nice surprise to see that someone is really earning his (or hers) salary in Samsung corporation. After those desperate moments last year (trying to update firmware of Samsung Galaxy S I9000) now Kies seems to work quite smoothly. Not perfect but at least connecting and update works. I have now updated … Continue reading

Samsung Galaxy S, Android 2.3.3 firmware and broken USB tethering

Found out that Samsung boys have screwed USB tethering in 2.3.3 firmware. It does not work with Ubuntu as it did before. And the fault is quite clearly in Galaxy firmware, not in Ubuntu. You should first navigate USB tethering menu (Settings->Wireless..). When you connect the USB cable, then Kies mode is activated automatically. Also, … Continue reading

Nokia CS-19 and Ubuntu

Usb-modeswitch handles most 3G modes quite well, but unfortunately Nokia CS-19 is not included in configuration files. This means that system does not recognize it properly and the modem just does not work out of the box. Specifications for CS-19 state that Linux is supported, but that information is misleading. There are some .deb installation … Continue reading

Ubuntu Natty, Eclipse, scrollbars and sliders

Default Ubuntu Natty (11.04) uses sliders instead of permanent scrollbars. These sliders appear when they get mouse focus, otherwise they are hidden. Nice visual effect that saves some desktop space. Except they do not work with Eclipse IDE. Horizontal and vertical sliders do not appear and there are no scrollbars either. Which makes your life … Continue reading

N9, to MeeGo or not, that is the question

Yesterday, there started to appear rumors in the Internet, that Nokia’s new MeeGo handset N9 could be launched very soon. This is like a showcase example of what I wrote yesterday. Rumors appear in the net, people start recommending and spreading them, and quite soon it is very hard to see what is true and … Continue reading

They get smaller and smaller…

The computers, I mean. When first electronic computers could easily fill several rooms, now you can get a computer with a size factor of USB stick. Well, you cannot buy it yet, but these may come available in near future, if this Raspberry Pi project succeeds in its goal. Price? Estimate, only 25$. Although, their … Continue reading

Ubuntu, Community and Average Consumers

In a way, this big change in Ubuntu is quite clever and may succeed in bringing Linux closer to average consumers. Adding lots of eye-candy, making it visually more appealing, easier to use and – most importantly – integrating music and software shop into Ubuntu model may attract new users. With the rise of the … Continue reading

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