Unbearable lightness of tablets

Well, they are light when you compare tablets weight with a pile of books, newspapers, magazines, printouts etc. And that is the main advantage of tablets… at least for me. I am totally hooked on Galaxy Tab, and I cannot imagine how I could live without it.

First of all, it has a really handy form factor. Screen of 7 inches is big enough for reading, but small enough to fit into jacket pocket. It is also small enough to be used with one hand while reading. 10 or 11 inches is too big.

In this small device I have portable music player, video player, internet, email, news, navigation etc. I can update my blog, write articles, make presentations, administer servers and web sites. And it is a phone, too.

But I think the most important factor is that it is also an e-book reader. I can store several (hundred) books in it, fiction, reference material, what ever. This way i can read when ever I happen to have time. What makes it even better is that you can write notes while you read. If you get an idea, you can write it down, and come back later.

I am quite sure I am not the only one who has found out the advantages of tablets. They cannot replace my laptops or servers, but that is not their purpose. They are not intended to be used as workstations (at least not yet). They just do not have enough processing power, so comparing them with laptops or netbooks is a bit unfair. But tablets are easier to use in those tasks it was designed for. I would not use tablet to code a large program, but touch screen and intuitive user interface excel in simple tasks like reading a book, writing short notes, reading emails, checking news etc.

6 Responses to “Unbearable lightness of tablets”
  1. archir says:

    I also acquired a tablet for news and book reading. It is very handy. While reading you can easily check something from google.

  2. HeidiG says:

    I almost bought a Kindle, but then understood that you can install Kindle app on Android.

  3. evertonD says:

    But Kindle lasts longer on one charge. You have to charge tablet daily.

    • technomagus says:

      That is true, but tablet also has a phone, document editor, videos, music, email, internet, social media. Of course, if you only want to read books, then a dedicated e-book reader is a better choice. It is cheaper and easier to use.

      But if you buy an e-book reader then look carefully what formats it does support. If it supports non-restrictive formats like epub and pdf, then you are not dependent on certain electronic book store.

  4. Northampton says:

    Thanks, this saved my day!

  5. Crissy says:

    I love my Galaxy Tab. Could not live without it!

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